
Township establishment in South Africa

Learn about the township establishment process in Tshwane and Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipalities, governed by SPLUMA. Explore the benefits of township development and discover how our experienced town planners at 2020 Planning Group can guide you through the complex procedures to ensure a successful and profitable township establishment project.

5. Siyathuthuka Layout plan 300x212 - Township Establishment

Township establishment process

We are experts in managing township processes from project incerption to approval

Demarcation of sites

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Township Establishment in Tshwane and Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipalities and across South Africa

Experience a comprehensive overview of the township establishment process in Tshwane and Johannesburg municipalities with 2020 Planning Group.

Overview of the Process

Discover the step-by-step procedures involved in township establishment, governed by the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act (SPLUMA) of 2013.

  1. Land Acquisition: Acquire the necessary land for your township development through strategic purchasing from private landowners or government sources.
  2. Application for Township Establishment: Professional town planner must compile and lodge the application, including the submission of essential documents such as layout plans, motivation memorandums, and specialist studies.
  3. Public Participation: The application must be advertised to engage interested and affected parties, where community input and feedback are considered for decision-making.
  4. Approval and Conditions: after clearing all objections and concerns, the application is reviewed by planning department and the approval is given by the council, with conditions and requirements to meet.

Frequesntly Asked Questions in South Africa

Township establishment is the process of converting farmland or unproclaimed land into a developed area, and you must apply for it when you intend to develop farmland or agricultural holdings.
The cost of township establishment in South Africa can vary, but on average, an application can cost around R400,000, which includes specialist studies and the municipal application fee. It's important to note that this cost does not include municipal bulk contributions, which are charged separately by each municipality.
The application timeline typically takes 12 to 18 months, including the acceptance of studies by relevant departments such as the Department of Agriculture for decisions like the Environmental Impact Assessment.
The required documents for a township establishment in South Africa include power of attorney, title deed, conveyancing certificate, zoning certificate, flood-line certificate, traffic impact assessment, engineering services assessment, Geo-technical report, environmental impact assessment, and more.

Township establishment process steps

Creating a township requires intricate planning and several legal processes, and involves establishing a fully functioning community with all necessary amenities and infrastructures. This comprehensive guide provides step-by-step instructions for the process of township establishment.

Step 1: Document sourcing

  • Copy of title deed
  • Power of Attorney
  • Copy of Zoning Certificate
  • Company Certificate (Properties under company)
  • ID Copy (Properties under People/person)

Step 2: Pre application consultations

  • Confirm if municipality will support proposed development check availability of infrastructure: water, electricity, sewer and more Servitude that might be registered against property
  • Verification and analysis of all the potential title condition.
  • Verification of the property and extents Any additional studies the municipality might require

Step 3: Geo-tech Survey

  • Establish the amenability of the soil to human settlement and habitation

Step 4: Heritage Impact Assessment

  • Establish features and historical resources that may require preservation

Step 5: Topographic survey

  • Establish the contour and slope angle of the site to ensure best development approach

Step 6: Engineering Services Assessments

  • Establish areas affected or most likely to be affected by engineering services. This may also locate existing services and proposed future services area. Final services report and Flood line certificate

Step 7: Road Traffic Impact Study

  • Establish integration of the proposed development with the surrounding area in relation to access to and from the proposed site. Establish existing and proposed roads. Final traffic impact study report.

Step 8: Environmental Impact Assessment

  • Establish sensitivity of the environment and the resultant impact thereon as well as determination of the possible water-table on the ground. Final environmental impact assessment and ROD

Step 9: Conveyancing report

  • Assessment by conveyancing attorney of the property, title deed, servitude, conditions, and more. Final conveyancing certificate.

Step 10: Layout plan

  • Depending on number of stand the client wants town planners will draft a layout plan indicating: stands, zoning, roads, and more

Step 11: Planning Report and motivation memorandum

  • Preparation of the planning report based on all conducted studies and layout plan. The motivation memorandum on why the proposed township should be considered by the municipality.

Step 12: Application submission

  • The application is submitted to the relevant authority in the shape and form as may be required

Step 13: Circulation of the application

  • The application is circulated to all other relevant departments and institutions for comments both internal and externa

Step 14: Advertisement of the application

  • The application is advertised in the relevant media platforms and comments or objections are received.

Step 15: Approval and conditions of establishment

  • Once all the relevant comments are obtained, the application is approved subject to certain conditions of establishment

Step 16: General Plan for the township

  • Land surveyor will draft a general plan base off approved layout plan general plan will be submitted to SG office

Step 17: Opening of township register

  • Conditions of the township establishment General Plan approval Approved small scale diagrams

Step 18: Proclamation notice

  • Proclamation / declaration of the township as an approved township on the Government Gazette