
Subdivision and Division of Farmland Application in South Africa

Subdivision and division of land involve the process of dividing properties or farmland into smaller portions for various purposes. At 2020 Planning Group, we specialize in assisting property owners with navigating the complexities of these applications in South Africa.

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Subdivision Application Process

A subdivision application is applicable for land within urban development boundaries, often referred to as “infill-development” or “densification.” Property owners can apply to cut off unused parts of their property, registering them separately from the original house. These subdivided portions can be sold or developed independently after registration with the Deeds Office. To ensure a smooth and successful subdivision, it is crucial to work with a professional town planner from the start.

Division of Farmland Application:

Division of farmland is the process of dividing agricultural-zoned land into smaller portions. South Africa values agricultural land as an essential economic resource and imposes regulations to protect it against impracticable farming portions resulting from subdivisions. The Subdivision of Agricultural Land Act, Act 70 of 1970, governs subdivision applications for all agricultural-zoned land together with policy of granting land use rights in farms and agricultural holdings.

Our Expertise in Planning and Permits

At 2020 Planning Group, we have a proven track record of achieving high success rates in planning and permits. We are so confident in our abilities that we offer money-back guarantees to clients seeking planning permits. We go the extra mile to ensure permit approvals, engaging in negotiations with neighbors and councils on behalf of our clients.

If, for any reason, we are unable to secure a permit, we will refund your money. That’s our promise!

Annexure I CONSOLIDATION PLAN 212x300 - Subdivision | Consolidation

Step by Step Process for Subdivision of Properties

Subdividing property, the process of dividing a single property into smaller parcels, requires adherence to local zoning laws and regulations. This guide outlines the sequential steps to complete the subdivision process for stands or plots of land.

Step 1: Document sourcing

  • Copy of title deed
  • Power of Attorney
  • Copy of Zoning Certificate
  • Company Certificate (Properties under company)
  • ID Copy (Properties under People/person)

Step 2: Pre application consultations

  • Confirm if municipality will support proposed development check availability of infrastructure: water, electricity, sewer and more Servitude that might be registered against property
  • Verification and analysis of all the potential title condition.
  • Verification of the property and extents Any additional studies the municipality might require

Step 3: Preparation of application

  • Site visit assessment
  • Engagement with Municipality
  • Motivation memorandum, Land use map, Site Development Plan
  • Development controls, Annexure map, Application forms, Other attachments

Step 4: Submission of the application

  • Printing of application (5 copies), Application submitted to the Municipality
  • Application scanned onto Municipality online system
  • The Municipality circulates application for comments Application submitted external departments

Step 5: Public participation

  • Notices are compiled by our offices Notice boards (local language and English)
  • On site and should be maintained for a period of at least fourteen (14) consecutive days
  • Notice by registered post to neighbors or submitted in person with register
  • Photographs are taken of the notice boards on site
  • An affidavit is completed as confirmation that the notice boards were erected and maintained on site
  • Proof of advertisements are sent to the Municipality

Step 6: Following up on application

  • Follow up on comments and status of application on a regular basis Corresponding with various departments
  • Meetings with other involved professionals (engineers, environmental, surveyors) Follow ups with external departments

Step 7: Engaging interested and affected parties

  • Arrange meetings with neighbors and departments Resolve objections and attend to negative comments Tribunal Hearings

Step 8: Finalization of application

  • Client fulfill all pre approval conditions
  • City Planning Department prepares the necessary approval documents
  • Client adheres to all post-approval conditions stipulated by the Municipality in the official approval letter

Step 9: Land Surveyor Sketch Submission

  • Our land surveyor will submit sketch to SG office
  • Approved SG diagram will be sent to client